ClearV™ the most powerful and versatile vascular laser at Clinic 1.

The ClearV is an Nd:YAG 1064 laser from Sciton that is the gold standard for removing vascular lesions.

Don’t spend another moment trying to hide your insecurities - life’s too short, and you’re too fabulous. Instead, let the team at Clinic 1 reduce visible blood vessels at the source. With ClearV™ Laser Treatment, you can leave the concealer in the cabinet and wear the clothes you love instead of what offers the right coverage. Step into summer with smooth, even skin from head to toe with ClearV™. 

Why ClearV™?

ClearV™ takes the latest advances in laser technology and creates a system that can eliminate visible blood vessels to improve the appearance of broken capillaries, spider veins, cherry angiomas, port wine stains, leg veins, peri-orbital veins and other vascular lesions. With pinpoint accuracy, it transforms the effects of unruly veins into smooth, flawless skin.

How does it work?

Using laser energy, ClearV™ is a targeted treatment that eliminates vascular structures, reducing the appearance of lesions. Veins and capillaries serve a vital function, but if they become damaged, they can create uneven, discoloured skin. ClearV™ prevents blood flow to these problem vessels, allowing the body to reroute the supply elsewhere and resulting in a more uniform complexion. 

Can ClearV™ really help with spider veins? 

Absolutely! ClearV™ technology is so effective that some people only need one treatment to achieve their desired result, though up to three sessions may be needed depending on your condition. Your Clinic1 aesthetician will provide you with a tailored recommendation during your consultation.  

One of the best things about having a ClearV™ treatment is that the results get better in time. After any redness subsides in the first few days, you’ll notice an improvement in the appearance of your skin, but in the weeks and months that follow, your discolouration will fade even further. 

How many treatments will I need, and when will I see results? 

The number of sessions required will depend on the number of vessels being treated, the location and the appearance of the vessels, and your body’s ability to heal. 
Most clients will need 1-3 treatments to reach the desired outcome.
During your consultation, a Clinic1 aesthetician will suggest a course of treatment specific to the size and depth of your vessels.

What to expect during and after the treatment?

The ClearV™ treatment is relatively straightforward and requires little to no preparation for you as the client. Prior to treatment, you will be asked to remove any makeup or moisturiser and, if needed, shave the area to ensure better visibility to your aesthetician. 

During the procedure, we’ll provide you with a safety shield or glasses to protect your eyes.  The ClearV™ system incorporates cooling technology, meaning that there’s no need for numbing cream. You may feel brief pulses of heat as the laser waves are absorbed by the unwanted vessels, but you’re unlikely to experience any discomfort.

The procedure may take anywhere from 5-30 minutes, depending on the size of the treatment area. Immediately following your treatment, you may experience a little redness and swelling, similar to the sensation of sunburn. These reactions generally subside within 24-48 hours. 

ClearV™ aftercare 

Straight after the treated area may look red and 48 hours after slightly bruised, and the veins may look more visible than they were pre-treatment. This is completely normal and will fade over the next 2-3 weeks. Small veins won’t give you any downtime at all with only some redness for a few hours. While your skin is still sensitive, you should avoid all of the following:

  • Applying makeup over treated areas

  • Activities that cause excessive perspiration

  • Use of scented soaps or skincare

  • Use of physical and chemical exfoliants (Retinols, AHAs, BHAs, acne creams or gels, loofa sponges, or aggressive scrubbing)

  • Swimming pools and spas with multiple chemicals/chlorine and severe temperature changes

  • Hot tubs and hot showers for 48-72 hours

  • Exercise for 48-72 hours to avoid perspiration

  • Shaving

You should also strictly avoid sun exposure on the treated area for at least 14 days following the procedure. The use of laser technology can make the skin more prone to sunburn and pigmentation, so ensure you cover up with an SPF30+ sunblock and reapply often.  

ClearV™ Prices

Facial veins $150-$350

Leg veins $250-750

You can also see a detailed price list in our booking system if you click the “Book an appointment” button.  Or book a free consultation so we can create a bespoke treatment plan for you.

ClearV™ can be combined with almost all other treatments that we offer.

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 Ready to Book…?

Contact us to talk about a bespoke treatment plan for you.