Meet Halo - world’s first hybrid resurfacing laser available at Clinic 1.


It’s time for a glow-up with Halo Laser.

What is Halo®?

Halo laser from Sciton is the world’s first Hybrid Fractional Laser that is uniquely designed to deliver both ablative and non-ablative wavelengths of light to the skin.

Halo sets the standard for laser resurfacing by delivering maximum results without the discomfort and downtime normally expected from fully ablative lasers. Halo is a great choice for anyone wanting to reduce the signs of aging, fight years of sun damage and/or repair scarring.

 What Halo® can treat?

·       Fine lines & wrinkles

·       Pigmentation including melasma

·       Skin texture and large pores

· Sun damage

· Dull skin tone and loss of luminosity

· Acne and/or other scars on the face and body

How does Halo® work?

Ablative laser resurfacing is a well established treatment that vaporises aged skin. However, this comes with risks and downtime and the procedure can be very painful. Non-ablative laser treatments cause a deep heating and ‘thermal injury’ to the skin which stimulates collagen and skin healing. Non-ablative lasers have much less downtime but normally take more than one treatment to see noticeable results.

Halo is the best of both world's - delivering ablative Erbium (2940nm) wavelengths to remove the old and damaged superficial epidermal cells of the skin, combined with non-ablative (1470nm) wavelengths to penetrate heat deep into the skin.

The result is controlled damage to the skin that promotes the skin’s natural wound healing response which switches on collagen and elastin production, new growth of healthy blood vessels to supply oxygen and nutrients to the skin and remove damaged skin cells.

How quickly will I see results and how many sessions will I need?

You can expect initial improvement in the skin as quickly as 7-10 days after the treatment but your skin will continue to improve further in the following weeks. Skin tightening after a laser treatment can take up to 6 months to fully develop.

There is no standard number of sessions and it really depends on your current skin condion and your concerns. For general anti-aging and superficial pigment correction we recommend 1-2 treatments per year. For deeper skin textural issues like deep lines or scars you might need more sittings.

Does it hurt and is there any downtime?

As with any treatment, it depends on the tolerance of the individual. We use very strong topical numbing cream before the treatment to minimise the discomfort. During the laser session that only takes 15-20 minutes for the full face you will feel heat and prickling sensation. After the session the area will feel “raw” and sensitive, like a sunburn but only for a few hours.

For the next few days (depending on the intensity of the laser) the skin will be red and swollen, swelling is worse usually on the day 2-3. You will see darkening of the pigment and MENDS - dark dots all over the treated area. Those dots will naturally flack off at 7 days mark revealing glowing clearer skin.

Skin can look pink for a 2 weeks after the treatment but it’s easy to cover with a makeup.

How does Halo® compare Moxi laser?

Halo is definitely more aggressive treatment than Moxi laser. Even though Halo is a fractional laser meaning there is only a fraction of the skin get treated so the skin can heal faster Halo still will give you a week of downtime, but at the same time better results.

Moxi - less discomfort and downtime but need more sessions and can’t target deep skin concerns

Halo - more aggressive and with longer downtime but need less sessions and more effective for anti-aging

What is the cost?

Face+neck+chest $2500

Face+chest $2100

Face+neck $1800

Neck+chest $1600

Face $1500

Chest $1300

Neck $900

Hands $900

Scars from $600

Hands add on $500 

All Halo treatments include an aftercare kit.

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 Ready to Book…?

Contact us to talk about a bespoke treatment plan for you.