Advanced Skin Therapies Are Kinda Our Thing


We know skin. Step inside our boutique skin clinic and we’ll get to know, and care for, yours.

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Here at Clinic 1, we’re all about unapologetic self-love and confidence. Improving the health of your skin so you can live as the best version of you.


We’ve proudly created a boutique skin clinic, right in the heart of Auckland & Christchurch

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Reveal smooth, bright skin with zero peach fuzz.


HydraFacial Syndeo⟶

Welcome to the best skin of your life.


Dermapen 4 Microneedling ⟶

Roll back the years & reveal glowing, healthy skin.

Osmosis Facials ⟶

Facials that create real, lasting results.


“Always get great service from Clinic 1. Highly recommend Olga, Renjini and their team. Professional approach to all things beauty”

— Abby Michalski


